Sunday, June 15, 2008

120 Minutes of "So, I see you like Castlevania!"

"Laugh with me, ahahaha~!!"

Today's laughing matter: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

After years of waiting, the call of fans is finally answered. The build up from the original Metal Gear in 1987, to the PlayStation 3's 2008 release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. The game released only three days ago on June 12, and already people have completed it, practically marathoning the campaign in order to see all the story of Metal Gear Solid resolved.

Let me be quite clear. There will be no spoilers in this brief review/tidbit section, but I do wish to state that there will likely be no more Metal Gear games after this. Literally every loose end you could possibly find from all canonical Metal Gear games is wrapped up. There is some significant jaw-dropping at just some of the story cutscenes.

The game, unlike previous installments in the series, is more action-oriented than sneaking, which really just makes sneaking a bit harder. Instead of being a free flowing area-to-area game, the game is still as such but with fewer area intermissions (meaning load times between areas) and the game being divided up into five overall missions, or Acts. Each Act takes place in a different area, but to say any more would probably spoil it.

Now, as for juicy tidbits, I might as well say a few words about the new super soldiers, the Beauty & The Beast Corps (also referred to as the BB Corps in-game). Four women, all of whom possess amazingly powerful suits. They are: Laughing Octopus (the quote at the top comes from her; she is by far my favorite), Raging Raven, Crying Wolf, and Screaming Mantis. Hideo Kojima, in an effort to work in even more elements from previous games (as if the plot weren't enough...okay, I'll be quiet now), named them such as amalgamations of a sort. The BB Corps is named for the original FOXHOUND unit members (Decoy Octopus, Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, and Psycho Mantis), and also sort of named for some of the Cobra Unit from Metal Gear Solid 3 (The Joy, The Fury, The Sorrow, probably The Pain).

As in prior installments, the themes and plot retain their artistic integrity and Kojima really outdid himself on this game. Honestly, I'm not sure what else to say, it's just a fantastic system.

Oh, and one more bit: it comes with Metal Gear Online, which is basically MGS4 multiplayer (I -think- you play as just a member of various PMC/militia quads, but I could be wrong, as Snake was seen in a trailer for it). I haven't messed around with it much, as I'm going through my second playthrough of the main campaign, but I'm sure it'll be awesome.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

120 Minutes of "We've graduated from Nazis to Russians?!"

Crack that whip, baby. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is today's topic.

Having recently watched all three of the original films for the first time, I came to fully understand the legend and legacy of one Henry Jones Jr. He is, without a doubt, one of the most dynamic and interesting characters I've seen in quite some time. Even his outfit is iconic nowadays. So naturally, after having heard that there was a new film coming out, I scrambled to watch the older ones, as mentioned earlier.

The first three films also prepared me for how absurdly campy the general feel of the series was. I'm comfortable with spoiling the first three, since they've been out for literally more than ten years at minimum. Seriously though, a box that melts people (the Ark), a cult with a high priest who can pull hearts out of people yet said people survive, and the Holy freaking Grail? Yeah, this series is way over the top.

The fourth film in the series is most certainly as over the top as the others. No, wait, scratch that; it's actually more over the top (I hear you: what could top a man on a horse beating a tank?!) and crazy than any of the others. Some (read: probably most) will be upset at how the series is going this time, because it feels less like an Indiana Jones film than the others.

For the most part, that feeling is somewhat merited; there's gratuitous CG that is noticeable and extremely obvious in two parts (curse you, gopher!), but otherwise fairly well done. The plot is the other major detractor. This movie would probably rank below Temple of Doom, despite being a good film.

Now, let me give the film some credits here. Maybe it's just me, but I thought this film was insanely epic and quite possibly the best thing I've seen in quite some time. It was extremely enjoyable and stuck to the Indy formula, so I had no problems whatsoever with it (my comments before notwithstanding). Yes, this film isn't as good as the others, but really, it's been a downhill slope since Raiders of the Lost Ark anyway. To be frank, this movie is still a hell of a lot better than many of the other films coming out. Oh, and on a final note, this film also had Shia LeBouf in a role in which I didn't actually mind him in. Not too shabby.

This one earns my thumbs-up.